This is How You can Effectively Handle a Growing Team

Team management is a term that seems to be quite easy to understand but is more often than not quite contrary to actually implementing. Leaders around the world work every day to make their teams cohesive, where all members participate and put in their one hundred percent.


It is important to realize the importance of learning .net team management when you have just started up a company of your own, or when you are headed towards the path of growth. As teams expand, it becomes increasingly difficult to address each and every team member’s individual issues and deal with their problems one on one.

However, this is one trait of the greatest leaders as we know them, they make friends with their employees. They get really acquainted with them and try to learn from them as much as they try to impart their own knowledge.

Some tried and tested tips from those who have successfully managed their teams as they expanded, are- 

  • Prepare for change –If your team is about to expand substantially, think prior to the expansion about what roles would you like to mix around, what new roles you would like to invent, and what others you would like to discard. Designing the new roles in such a manner will enable you to plan the training expenses of the newly recruited employees. Also, plan an outline of their training, decide the tools and resources they would need as they join your team.
  • Corporate culture –Make sure that your team recognizes and follows your corporate culture. It is important for your team to resonate with the values of your company, your ideals, and your ideas. This will create an atmosphere of belonging and responsibility within your team. Allow them to understand what it is that your organization stands for and believes in.
  • Recognition and rewards –Team management is all about motivation and inspiration. The happiest and the most hardworking employees are always those who feel appreciated for what they are doing and feel like they matter. Recognizing the efforts of a team and rewarding them from time to time goes a long way in establishing trust and motivation within your team. They will know that their work is appreciated and their efforts are not in vain.
  • Nurture your team –From time to time, it is important to conduct training and provide growth opportunities to your team. People appreciate working on themselves when they are valued by their organization. Encourage your team to take up special skill coaching or to learn a new skill by themselves or through means within the organization. Your team will love to be upgraded and thus, will benefit your organization even more.
  • Be a true leader –To manage a team, you need to become an effective leader. You need to complement the efforts of your team and motivate them to do better. You also need to step up and handle things when they seem rough. The best leaders stay at the last when taking credit, and are first to take the blame as a responsibility for their own team.

Read Also: Why Businesses Focus on Asp.Net all Around the World? 

Communicate –Open and formal communication is crucial to handling a growing team. Communicate to them your expectations openly. Make use of the open-book management strategies of being transparent wherever necessary and having clear terms goals. Practice conflict resolution methodologies and encourage team members to ask questions.

Hire developers team India management, when done right, can help meet long-term goals and promote growth within an organization.

Pentaho Role in Moving Beyond Big Data to the Transformation

Carly Fiorina has rightly said “The goal is to turn data into transformation and information into insight” and so is fulfilled by Pentaho BI service. Businesses can drill the data with BI tools and gets insight from the heaps of data. It even let the business users and technology persons come to the same page.


Pentaho for Big Data

Furthermore, Pentaho BI services help the business representatives to leverage the benefits of its tools which will further help in increasing ROI, efficacy, revenue, and profitability. Pentaho 7.0 version has provided us a platform where we could integrate BI and Di together and we could visualize from anywhere in the world. But now its new version Pentaho 8.0 is helping people to move from big data to real transformation.

Pentaho 8.0 has all the features which Pentaho 7.0 provides but along with that it has some advanced features like data integration and data mining.

Lets's see what is new in Pentaho 8.0

  • More Simplified version of Pentaho Services: Pentaho 8.0 has good compatibility with spark libraries. It also has support for Cloudera and Hortonworks. Talking about the performance and security of the Pentaho 8.0 version, it is much simpler, more powerful, and more secure.
  • Kafka and Streaming Ingestion: Kafka streaming implementation is possible with the help of Pentaho 8.0. It can be leveraged in various things like analysis, monitoring, and alerting. With the help of Pentaho 8.0, you can easily connect to a Kafka, and then with it, you can easily ingest streaming data. It can be utilized in a business where you can easily fetch live events from a web application and can help in trading data. All the data architects, ETL developers, and IT administrators can make use of streaming ingestion features to enhance the business.
  • Big Data Security: Pentaho 8.0 provides you with better big data security. While using Knox-protected Hortonworks clusters, Pentaho 8.0 provides you an easy way to leverage the PDI. Even apache ranger can be used with it and with it, you will be even able to control user-level access.
  • Easy run configurations: You can easily use some run configurations feature presented by Pentaho 8.0 to run some local ETL activities. Even for complicated ETL activities, we can set up a run configuration that would be running the transformation on the server. So, the total transformation will now be very easy with Pentaho 8.0.
  • More Elastically Transformations: While making PDI transformations and jobs using Pentaho 8.0 server, you can scale them easily and securely and the best part about them is that you can coordinate with them at the same time. To monitor the status of a transformation, you can make a Pentaho dashboard that will tell you the live status of the transformation. It will monitor the load going to the Pentaho work node.
  • Filters for better analysis of data: We can’t inspect the raw data as it won’t provide us fruitful analysis. For getting a better analysis, you need to filter out the data based on some criteria and that is easily provided by Pentaho 8.0. You can then filter out the data and view the data in visualizations. Data will be refined after filtering and it can be used for both views- Stream, and Model. Even filters can be applied to the charts, flat, and pivot tables.
  • Easy Gathering of raw data: Pentaho 8.0 gives us the flexibility to use Avro and Parquet data formats. There are improved and better Avro and Parquet IN/O transformation steps that make the process of gathering data very easier. With this data, you can create very good analysis reports by feeding them to a Hadoop ecosystem. It provides you with an easy drag and drop interface which makes the transformation much easier and businesses can use it to enhance the business flow.

Case Study

Let’s see in detail how Pentaho 8.0 has brought a major change to big data solution companies. You will get proper streaming support in PDI but have you ever thought that the steps which are used currently for streaming sources introduce issues because that streaming server requires all jobs to be running persistently while you have these steps running on different threads.

Even if something goes wrong, we can’t easily figure it out. So, Pentaho 8.0 has brought to us a different approach where you will have the transformation steps and a batch that would control the flow of all the steps. Instead of having a transformation that would be persistent, what we are going to have is to divide the data into chunks, and then the second transformation would run when it gets the data from the first step. The step will then be synchronous and will look persistent.

Once you have your transformation steps ready and they are running perfectly on your machine and you want them to be executed on the server then you can make a run configuration with the help of Pentaho 8.0. Just you need to select Pentaho Server as run configuration and that’s it. Your PDI will trigger the transformation steps and hence you will start seeing the logs on the server.

Some outstanding improvements have been checked out in Pentaho 8.0 which helps us to communicate with the Pentaho client tool over the web socket. Remember, now it doesn’t require any zookeeper to do all these. With the help of this, transformation steps get reduced and much more stable load balancing came into the picture.

Pentaho 8.0 uses distort specific spark library which makes it robust and error-free. It has also compatible with different data formats: Avro and Parquet. Now, it has support for Knox which provides perimeter security Thus, it is vastly used in Horton works deployments due to its enhanced security.


We have seen how Pentaho 8.0 has brought a revolution to the world of big data and it has moved beyond big data to the real transformation with its exciting features explained above.

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Data Partitioning in Big Data Application with Apache Hive

Big data consulting company professionals are introducing the concept of partitioning in big data applications. You need to read the post completely to understand how to do partitioning in such an app using Apache Hive. If you don’t know how to do it, experts will help

Introduction About Partitioning In Big Data Application

Apache Hadoop is a data framework that can support methods of big data.

In big data applications, data partitioning is very important because it will divide the huge data set into many related sub-data set by many criteria base on columns of data such as partition by collect date, country, city… With partitioning, we will have better organization in data to query and analyze data and improve performance.



In this topic, I will introduce how to do partition data in Hive and focus con the example to do the partition data in a big data application daily to make sure always load the process daily data to the partition table.


Java: JDK 1.7

Cloudera version:  CDH4.6.0

Initial steps

1. We have to be compelled to prepare some input data files, open a new file in the terminal of Linux:


Text some input data with format: id;name;ticketPrice;collectdate






2. We need to put the local files to Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), use this command:

hadoop fs -mkdir -p /data/mysample/mappingTable

hadoop fs -put file1/data/mysample/mappingTable/

Code walkthrough

We will create a Hive script that loads the data to an external table to do the partitioning. After that, we will move the data from the mapping table to the output table for data analytics which support querying the data for business purpose. 

Create database

create database cloudera_dataPartitionExample;

Use database


Drop the partitionTable

Create the partitionTable to contain the real data after partitioning

DELIMITED by ‘;’ in our data and store at the location ‘/data/mysample/partitionTable’

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS partitionTable;



id string,

name string,

ticketPrice string


PARTITIONED BY (collectdate string)



LOCATION '/data/mysample/partitionTable';

Drop the mappingTable

Create the mappingTable to mapping to data which have not done partitionTable

DELIMITED by ‘;’ in our data and store at the location ‘/data/mysample/mappingTable’




id string,

name string,

ticketPrice string

collectdate string




LOCATION '/data/mysample/mappingTable';


SET hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=100000;

SET hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=100000;

SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;

SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;

Move the data from mappingTable to partitionTable. This query will always move the data to partitionTable with partition column is “collectdate”

INSERT INTO TABLE partitionTable PARTITION (collectdate) SELECT * FROM mappingTable;

Load all metadata of Hive for partition in this folder to Hive table

MSCK REPAIR TABLE partitionTable;

Drop mapping table after partitioning


Verify the result

After running the script above, we will check the HDFS and hive table to make sure the data is partition good or not.

       1. Use this command to show the data on HDFS

hadoop fs –ls /data/mysample/partitionTable/

We will see two partition folders:



      2. View the data for each partition folder:

hadoop fs –text /data/mysample/partitionTable/collectdate=20160731000000/* | head –n 10

We will see that this folder will have two records because it is collected by 20160731:



hadoop fs –text /data/mysample/partitionTable/collectdate=20160730000000/* | head –n 10

We will see that this folder will have three records because it is collected by 20160730:




3. We can access to Hive client terminal to query the data with the table partitionTablein database cloudera_dataPartitionExample

select * from cloudera_dataPartitionExample.partitionTable;

show create table cloudera_dataPartitionExample.partitionTable;


We can see that we will not have the collect column anymore in our real data because we have already partitioned the data by that column. Now you can see we can query the data very easily by each partition based on the collection date column.

Hope that you guys can understand how partitioning is important to apply to our big data application.

Hope you have completely understood the concept of data partitioning using Apache hive. For doubts and queries, you may contact any good big data consulting company and avail related information from experts.

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Choose Magento Solutions Partner and Navigate Top eCommerce Platform

Magento defines as an open-source eCommerce platform for building online web stores which likewise gives omnichannel knowledge to your clients or customers. Releasing first in 2008, Magento has developed consistently and turned out to be the most suitable platform for eCommerce. More than 2.5 lac retailers all over the world are utilizing this platform, which is around 30 percent of the overall market share.

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Spend Less Gain More With Open Source Business Software

The custom business software is generally cloud-based and can be accessed from anywhere. It is not a single tool kit software that will need a huge cost to set up for using a small part of the software. The demerits of traditional software are eliminated with the new custom made software.

The best part is they can be customized as per requirement and below are some of the key areas by which better efficiency can be achieved in business and production.

The first biggest advantage is you get to decide what is needed for your business. You can pick and choose the software you need rather than buying the entire package. Whether you need a CRM or a word processor, an accounting package, or a spreadsheet application now you will pay only for what you will use.

You will now be able to get specialized software for your requirements. Maybe there is a software available which is suitable for your needs but exactly it does not fit your production or business unit. You may in that case get someone to write the software coding. All you need to do is search the market place!

The updates and bug fixes are faster now. You do not have to wait for 18 months for a software upgrade. Especially for smaller companies, they can get their software updated easily as it is only a fraction of the code that they would be working on and not the entire software. This takes less time and hence less upgrade times.


Since the software is nowadays cloud-based you can access them from anywhere and pick up from where you left via your login credentials. You can access critical business updates from your laptop, mobile desktop, or smartphone at your convenience, any time. This is helpful especially during business travels!

Since our needs are growing to meet the business targets more and more business applications are being developed. The developers are also competing to bring forth the best of what they can to face the market. So you have vast options available to choose from the best.  The customizable option is always there though!

Since it is all cloud-based you do not have to pay more for adding up another user or getting another license. The software kit should be enabled such that is is capable of adding multiple users in order to grow. For accounting software generally, the number of users that can access this software is set to unlimited!

The add on applications are also available and can be integrated to transform and reform your business process. The best can connect to about 300 add on applications! It means you can automatically access the features of these 300 or more add on applications without paying much. It is however advisable to build a solution that fits your typical business arena to find out the add on apps to suit your business perfectly.

In short, the biggest benefit is you can shape up your business process the way you want without having the Custom Software Development Solutions control your thoughts and requirements! It is however necessary to find out what tools and functionalities would be best needed in order to seek out the software, applications and add on applications to boost the performance levels.


Input-Output Parameters for Custom Workflow Assembly in MS Dynamics CRM

For Dynamics CRM, workflow is a robust tool that helps them to write complex business logic processes without creating single programming line. In this article, developers will explain the way they parameterize their workflow.



Workflow is very powerful tool which highly used in MS Dynamics CRM trends. You can write complex business logic processes without writing single line of programming. You can use “if then else” condition, create or update record, send email, wait condition, change status of record and many more other operations.

To make the workflow more powerful, Microsoft providing on more functionality in which you can add your custom code assembly in workflow. For developer, customer workflow is more sufficient way to achieve really difficult specifications. Also, in this custom code, you can add input and output parameters same as some method parameters.

Today we are discussing about Input – Output parameters which can be used in custom workflow assembly to simplify the business logic.

Description about Problem:

How to use Input – Output parameters in CRM custom workflow assembly?


Small things make big difference. Yes this is what you can say about Input – Output parameters. Input parameter will help workflow to get the value which is assigned into related parameter.

You can get the value of related parameter by using below code.


You can declareInput parameters in your custom workflow assembly as listed data below.

Input Parameters

Using “Input” keyword, we can declare input parameter.


If you want to use default value for an attribute, use “Default” keyword and define the value for the parameter.

  • Bool

 [Input("Bool input")]


 publicInArgument Bool { get; set; }

  • DateTime

 [Input("DateTime input")]


 publicInArgument Date { get; set; }

  • Decimal

 [Input("Decimal input")]


 publicInArgument Decimal { get; set; }

  • Double

 [Input("Double input")]


 publicInArgument Double { get; set; }

  • Integer

 [Input("Int input")]


 publicInArgumentInt { get; set; }

  • Money (Currency)

 [Input("Money input")]


 publicInArgument Money { get; set; }

  • OptionSetValue

 [Input("OptionSetValue input")]

 [AttributeTarget("account", "industrycode")]


 publicInArgumentOptionSetValue { get; set; }

NOTE: Attribute Target must specify the entity and attribute being referenced.

  • String

 [Input("String input")]

 [Default("My name as default string value")]

 publicInArgument String { get; set; }

  • Entity Reference

 [Input("EntityReference input")]


 [Default("4AA33D4F-53DF-E511-80C5-002481D2A0DB", "contact")]

 publicInArgumentContactReference { get; set; }

NOTE: Reference Target attribute must specify the type of entity being referenced.

Required Argument Attribute

You can also set Parameter as required using below piece of code.
System.Activities.RequiredArgumentAttribute class can be used to specify that the input parameter is required.


 [Input("Update next Anniversary date for")]


 publicInArgument Contact { get; set; }

Output Parameters

Using “Output” keyword, we can declare output parameter. The output parameter highlight of custom Workflow assembly is intriguing. The Output parameter defined in the custom Workflow assembly becomes available in the CRM Workflow window to analyze performance. You can utilize this yield parameter in any of the Workflow steps.

You can use Output parameter in various ways like in Wait/If condition block or in Create/Update etc. You can declare output parameters in your custom workflow assembly as listed data below.

//this is the name of the parameter that will be returned back to the workflow

 [Output("Credit Score")]

//this line identifies the specific attribute which will be passed back to the workflow

 [AttributeTarget(CustomEntity, "new_creditscore")]

//this line declares the output parameter and declares the proper data type of the parameter being passed back.

 publicOutArgumentCreditScore {get;set;}

You can also declare parameter as Input and Output both.

In the accompanying code model, IntParameter is the input as well as the yield parameter.

 [Input("Int input")]

 [Output("Int output")]


 publicInOutArgumentIntParameter { get; set; }

A few sorts, for example, EntityReference and OptionSetValue, require extra attributes apart from the Input, Output, and Default properties.

The other attributes are: ReferenceTarget and AttributeTarget. The accompanying example shows the meaning of a parameter of the EntityReferencetype.

 [Input("EntityReference input")]

 [Output("EntityReference output")]


 [Default("3B036E3E-94F9-DE11-B508-00155DBA2902", "contact")]

 publicInOutArgumentContactReference { get; set; }

The Wrap Up

It is hard to deal with some custom business rationale in manual work process. In that situation custom work process assembly is a genuine saint! You can use input parameter to minimize your code and also user the output parameter in next step of your workflow.

Once you will start using Input – Output parameter, you will really like it to manage the code in proper manner and lot of extra efforts to manage the value will remove.

Once you parameterize the workflow in CRM, you can achieve difficult specifications with an ease. The developers of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Development Company have shared this article to make you understand why workflow matters to them and why it has to be parameterized.

What are the Advantages of End Functional Programming?

The discussion about that's better--.NET or Java retains getting a brand new dimension whenever someone poses a query. When there are programmers that are familiar with either side and utilize each loyally, there are a few who are well aware of every an edge and wouldn't mind making a choice in regards to availing the benefits of the best characteristics this offer.

While there's absolutely no ideal “yes" or “no" response to the question about, which is much better, there's a chance of merely listing down that what betters. A definite response would necessitate considering multiple facets that may be a lot of to perform. But list the pros and cons is simple and wouldn't need much info.


Functional Coding

Functional programming in creating describes creating structures that will come together to produce a pc Software. When some developers prefer concentrated languages such as Lisp others favor worldwide choices like Java and .NET.

Difference between Java vs. .NET Function programming

Programmers that are specialists in programming search for a couple of things when picking the operational language. Modularity and compos ability stay on the surface of the listing for most developments that are functional. The prime aspects are still service for Lambda and integration. These are the aspects which we'll examine to choose which is greater.

In .NET, the programmers need to search for alternatives and utilize either C# or even F# to generate the use of these lambda functions. It is a problem for programmers at the start and maybe thought of as a drawback for .NET. The Java 8 has generated tremendous developments concerning the expressions and works and if you'd given Java an attempt for the operational programming before and given up. Try this once again, and this time you won't be regret.


Concerning the Microservices, .NET gets got the upper hand. Developers wholeheartedly concur that integration is significantly better in .NET compared to Java. It, however, doesn't signify that Java is poor with reverence to integration. Because of compatibility with Azure, .NET programmers get the advantage that requires the integration experience to another level, all of the developers want.

The Verdict

In my view, Java wins the conflict because it's slightly more advanced concerning the qualities and compatibility attributes. Based on the finish expectations of this Software which you're growing, Java outsourcing firm is much more inclined to be versatile compared to .NET that has restricted advantages over Java. Tell us which operational language are you really going to choose and in the remarks section below.